Phone: 212-265-2664


The NHBG, the Elite Group

The NHBG is dedicated to expanding, promoting and creating business opportunities for its members by strategically fostering dialogue and economic exchange, while supporting positive social change and community empowerment.
About Us

The NHBG, the Elite Group

The NHBG is dedicated to expanding, promoting and creating business opportunities for its members by strategically fostering dialogue and economic exchange, while supporting positive social change and community empowerment.
About Us

The NHBG, the Elite Group

The NHBG is dedicated to expanding, promoting and creating business opportunities for its members by strategically fostering dialogue and economic exchange, while supporting positive social change and community empowerment.
About Us

About us

The National Hispanic Business Group (NHBG) was founded in 1985 by a group of prominent Hispanic entrepreneurs with a vision to create an organization entrusted with developing opportunities for Hispanic Businesses. Our goal is to seek out and expand our opportunities for its members by fostering dialogue and economic exchange with the Public and Private sectors, while supporting social change and community empowerment.

Today the NHBG is recognized as a valuable business resource and a voice in the advocacy efforts of the Hispanic business community. Our founders' vision has grown into an influential network of business leaders who have built a network of capable high performing companies and established powerful business partnerships with public and private sector.

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Membership in The National Hispanic Business Group is open to Hispanic entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals at the level of vice-president and above. The NHBG takes pride in remaining on the cutting edge of multitude of complex issues facing both business and community alike, by encouraging membership from a great many diverse individuals and industries.

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Upcoming NHBG Events


  • The format was well planned out by NHBG & executed perfectly. Wyndham knew who we were, what we do & how we can help them achieve a larger presence in their organization. Great success & was honored to be a part of it the more I meet with members, the more I can appreciate the wonderful work NHBG is doing.

    James Jacobi - Director of Operations


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